Friday, August 26, 2005

Learning to drive - Day 2

Day 2 - another 10 minutes (20 min total).

The first few minutes were uneventful, Amanda released the brake, checked the mirrors and her blind spots, then carefully put the car in reverse and. . . . nothing happened (that was fairly predictable as she had failed to actually start the car). She was quite upset when I explained she needed to hold the key in the start position UNTIL she heard the car start. She explained that last time, I had told her NOT to hold it so long. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since the last time she didn't seem to hear the starter GRINDING against the flywheel after the engine started as she continued to hold the key in the start position... I calmly tell her that she should not use her left foot for braking. I believe she perceives most of what happens as some kind of scary black magic, only vaguely related to what she does in the drivers seat.

I imagine "Checking the Oil" could be the title of an Advanced Placement class offered to only select high school Seniors (apparently none of our children have qualified). I thought about how I'd explained the exception to the left-footed braking rule to her brother on our off-road excursions where a two-footed technique is needed to quickly slow forward momentum while maintaining throttle occasionally arises. I was debating explaining this to her when I realize she was intending to use ONLY her left foot for driving. "I'm left handed, ya know, and my left foot just works better," she begins to explain. We agree she will ONLY use her right foot for driving.

We are making progress. The neighbors wave, pointing to indicate she actually checked to the left for oncoming traffic. Then they grin ear-to-ear as if to say, "better you than me." I think, "should I tell her she doesn't HAVE to get her license at 16?" but, I just let it go.

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