Friday, August 26, 2005

Learning to drive: Day 3

My son is quite insistent that if the Jeep is going to be "his" he doesn't want his sisters driving it. Telling him that it has survived three wrecks in the last two months is no consolation.

So, today Amanda and I took the Toyota Camry rather than the old Jeep, and snuck out without the neighbors even noticing. The old Jeep Cherokee has a quarter million miles on the odometer. Like an old horse with an inexperienced rider, it ignores excessive commands and just does what it should. The morning was a little darker than usual, so I had her turn on the headlights while driving, after having stopped in the middle of the road, we resumed our lesson.

The Camry responds like an eager young barrel racer. After a few neck-snapping stops, Amanda got the hang of the brakes, and gently and consistently stopped a car length short of every intersection. She is well aware of this issue, as she claims, "I tell her every time." The steering in the Camry is precise, accurately responding to every over correction. Much like a rider on a "sour" rental horse headed for the barn, Amanda responds with a hearty "Whoaaa" on the brake pedal each time. The other drivers must be aware of what is going on. There is no beeping or gesturing and they simply pass us in the left lane (I still haven't allowed Amanda to use THAT lane yet).

At 30 mph, the rush of wind that is heard while being passed on a major roadway is startling. We agree to work on NOT hitting the brakes simply because she is wandering between the lines. The prompt and precise responses of the car to driver input unnerve her, and she tells me that she prefers the old Jeep. Her tone is a little sad as if she's just peeked behind a magician's curtain and discovered the truth. I figure it's probably better for her to know that training, experience, and occasionally a little luck is what she'll need.

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